Posts by Ruth Morgan

Embroidered Lampshade by Jackie Cawthray

by Ruth Morgan | March 6, 2017 | Posted in Lutradur

                            Jackie Cawthray, one of our customers who lives in France, used Lutradur 70gsm to make this delightful lampshade. First, she painted the Lutradur with two thin layers of acrylic paint (which had been diluted so that the colours blended) and then embroidered the fabric from the reverse side, using a variegated cotton knitting yarn. Jackie then cut away the top and burnt the Lutradur with a hot air gun to give the lampshade its distinctive finish. After attaching a few beads, the Lutradur was glued together to form […]

Lutradur Leaves and Lamp by Sylvia Stead

by Ruth Morgan | February 8, 2017 | Posted in Lutradur

Sylvia Stead is a Mixed-Media Textile Artist , who runs workshops and one to one sessions on textile art. She has kindly submitted some images of her work, as examples of how Lutradur can be used to great effect. Sylvia has created these individual leaves using Lutradur 130. The leaf above has been coloured using acrylic paint and then embellished with beads. Whereas this silver leaf has been painted with glitter glue and beaded before being fitted with a tea-light holder and tea-light. This decorative light, which Syliva has entitled ‘New England in the Fall’ has been created using acrylic tubing covered […]