How to Transfer Colours on to Lutradur, Evolon and Zeelon

Colouring Lutradur, Evolon and Zeelon with Transfer Paints

This technique is great for transferring single colours, designs or painted images, from paper on to any of our Lutradur, Evolon and Zeelon materials.
Sheets of A4 paper painted with transfer paints, one solid red and one with a speckled design, bottles of transfer paints, domestic iron and piece of coloured Lutradur.

Transfer paints are available from Colourcraft –

How to use Transfer Paint for Colouring Lutradur, Evolon and Zeelon 

  • Using transfer paint directly from the pot, roughly paint one side of A4 copier paper. One colour per sheet in your chosen colours. (Colours can be blended at the ironing stage).
  • Allow paint to dry fully – don’t worry if the paper curls on drying it will unfurl in use.
  • Place one paper, paint side down on to the Lutradur, Evolon or Zeelon unfurling any curled edges.
  • Press the back of the paper with a hot dry iron to transfer the paint from the paper to the fabric.
  • A few tips:-  Do not use steam, do not iron the Lutradur, Evolon or Zeelon as they melt, keep moving the iron, or the shape of the iron will transfer to the material.
  • The longer you iron the sheets in the same place the stronger the colour.
  • You can blend and mix colours directly on the fabrics by over ironing with different coloured sheets. Experiment with colour combinations to create your desired effect.

To do a Printed Design with Transfer Paints 

  • Paint a colour of undiluted paint in random spots, dashes, stars, squiggles or design of your choice on a plain sheet of copier paper.
  • Leave to dry.
  • With painted design side down, iron the back of the paper transferring the design on to your fabric.
  • Patterns and colours can be developed by ‘over ironing’ many varying transfer painted sheets to create unique designs.
This method of colouring has so many possibilities, why not give it a try! You will be able to buy any of these materials, Lutradur, Evolon or Zeelon, by visiting our online shop.   

by Ruth Morgan | September 4, 2015 | Posted in Evolon, Lutradur, Zeelon